Monday, September 20, 2010

September Meeting 9/25

The Guild meeting is Saturday, September 9, 2010 at 10am.  
The program, bobbin lace, will be presented by Joyce Eastin. 
Here's the link to the September Newsletter.  

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday--Happy week to all. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

World Wide Spin in Public Day

Here's a little something found while scouting around the web:  World Wide Spin in Public Day.

The button above is available to copy to your own website or blog to promote this event.  

And here's a little something else:  Texas Fiber Mill is now Sustainable Fibers check out the link for info about the cool fiber stuff going on there. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Meeting Date Change for September

In September, the Guild will meet on the 4th Saturday (the 25th) instead of the 3rd Saturday.  The library needs to use "our" room for its own purposes on the regularly scheduled date.

The program for the August meeting took us back beyond medieval times to the earliest type of yarn work--nalbinding.  Nalbinding pre-dates knitting and crochet and, depending on the way the stitch is formed may look like either one.  It has the advantage (or disadvantage) of NOT unraveling. 

Belinda and Diana showed us several different stitches and had handmade needles for us to use to try it ourselves.  Diana displayed "the beast" a round shawl it has taken her 4 years to make using bits and pieces of her handspun.  Belinda had several hats to show us made with different stitches. 

Next up???  The program in September will be bobbin lace making with Joyce.